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According to reports about remote work, unplugging after work, distractions at home, and staying motivated are three commonly cited struggles. Clutter, TV and gadgets, all count as distractions and should be minimised. Phones can be set on silent and meeting reminders, however urgent or important can be restricted to hours before from the actual event.

Is there any rabbit hole more tempting than social media? A quick scroll on Instagram can turn into a major time suck, but there are ways to avoid temptation. The position that you are applying for should spark your interest for a reason.
How to Stay Focused When You’re Working from Home
To increase productivity at work and avoid afternoon drowsiness, you need to choose the right lunch. Stick to protein based lunches for increased productivity and alertness in the afternoon. Try replacing some of your daily coffee cups with water to keep your body hydrated and healthy.
This includes eating balanced meals and staying sufficiently hydrated. Other distractions might require a more hands-on approach. Take measures to keep your office space organized, so clutter doesn’t become a consistent distraction. Find ways to keep yourself off of social media while you work, as that is one of the most prominent distractions remote workers face today. The fewer distractions you have to deal with, the easier it will be to keep focused.
Remain Effective While Working Remotely with Real-Time Work Management in Smartsheet
Figuring out when to take a break and for how long can be tricky. If you take too many, it can feel like you’re getting off track, but too few can actually be counterproductive, since you may be exhausted mid-way through your day. If you think it’s tempting to procrastinate at the office, it’s even worse at home, where there are more distractions. Depending on the job or the company, there are many different ways to answer the question. Here is a sample of two scenarios that each hit on passion, skills and common goals.

That’s because you haven’t planned which tasks need to be tackled first. Luckily, by planning, reflecting, and incorporating good habits, you’ll find your work-from-home mojo. We hope these tips and apps will help you reach your ideal state of focus in no time. Ultimately, focusing while working from home isn’t just a matter of sheer will. Whether your company is working remotely, you’re teaching online, you’re managing your eCommerce sites or you’re a freelance worker, you need to focus. When you’re done working for the day, you should create a shut-down routine.
Apps for becoming more productive
The main point of setting and following a routine is to help people get things done, Fleishman notes. You must show up in person to create a stronger connection and engagement with customers, friends, family, co-workers, partners and fans. Hit up networking events, charitable events, co-working spaces, conferences and happy hours to keep your in-person presence memorable. The beauty of working at home is that you have the freedom to control when you work. However, we all have times when we are most productive and creative during the day and times we suck wind to type even one more word or make one more call. To sum up, it is quite clear that wherever you go, you can not escape distractions while working.

Does the company make a product or complete a service that you feel passionate about? Or, do they have great benefits or flexible hours that fit your needs? Tell them what you appreciate about the company and why that is important to you. However, let the perks of the job be secondary to the opportunities or overall mission of the company.
Exercise every day.
Just keep in mind that in order to keep your focus and be successful with remote work, you might have to make a few sacrifices. This might include putting on a pair of jeans or slacks every once in a while. Some people thrive when working from home, as they feel more comfortable... When teams have clarity into the work getting done, there’s no telling how much more they can accomplish in the same amount of time.Try Smartsheet for free, today.
Whether you use email or Slack channels, try to encourage human contact in fun ways too. Send a meme to co-workers or drop a note of thanks to somebody who made your day. You probably noticed yourself being extremely critical of small things. They occupy our minds and make us less likely to try again because they’re very easy to believe.
If you continuously have such problems, your career will be doomed. But don’t get panicked thinking that there is no solution to this problem. That’s why, we are always ready to pull you out of danger. Are you struggling with retaining your focus while working at home? If yes, you are not the only one who is encountering this challenge.

To help fight against your challenges, we have visualized the pros and cons of working from home. We hope these tips will lead you in the right direction. And you can have spontaneous collaborations with your partner in workplaces, such as getting coffee together or having lunch and gossiping, something you can’t do at home.
This doesn’t mean you have to wear a suit and tie just to log into your home computer. All this suggests is that you begin your day like you’re getting ready for an ordinary day of work. Get showered, eat breakfast, and put on clothes you wouldn’t mind being seen out in public with. By doing so, you’ll get your mind and body in the mindset of a productive day. The danger with taking breaks is taking off more time than necessary.

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